A Canvas Case Study: Green Stories Architecture

Green Stories is an architectural design consulting firm specializing in the rehabilitation of long-abandoned residential properties. Run by architect Thomas Reynolds, AIA, the firm typically works on between 100 and 120 projects per year in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

“I have reduced the time to measure a 2,500 square foot building from two hours of measuring and an hour and a half of data input to 30 minutes of scanning.”
– Thomas Reynolds, Principal, Green Stories
Results at a Glance
3 hours of labor saved per project
More capacity to expand business
More detailed as-built conditions to work from
3D Web Viewer excites clients
The Challenge
With their focus on rehabilitating long-term abandoned buildings, most of Green Stories’s projects start with understanding and documenting the property’s existing as-built conditions. As the buildings are often vacant, there typically are no reliable plans to reference. Thomas is the sole designer at the firm and painstakingly hand-measuring derelict properties and then manually reconstructing them in Revit was preventing the firm from growing.
The Solution

Eager to grow, Thomas invested in an iPad Pro with an embedded LiDAR sensor so that he could use Canvas, which would enable him to speed up his as-built creation process and spend more time on the creative part of the job: reimagining the properties.

Thomas and his contractors now use Canvas to scan entire properties in minutes by simply walking around the space — “painting” the structural details as they go with the iPad. Instead of spending between a half and a full day manually measuring and drawing each individual dimension, Canvas captures every dimension that it sees.

Once back in the office, Thomas uploads the scans to Canvas’s Scan To CAD service. Within about two business days, Thomas receives an editable, professional-grade BIM Revit at a LOD 200 specification. The files are structured and organized in native families and elements, ready to be manipulated. Once the Revit files are delivered, Thomas jumps right into reconfiguring the space.

What does Canvas do  for Green Stories?

Canvas enables Thomas and his team to:

  • Grow the business by taking on additional projects and clients, and allocating more time to marketing
  • Save time measuring and modeling spaces
  • Cut back on money spent on drafting consultants
  • Virtually revisit spaces
The amount of time I’ve been able to save measuring buildings allows me to better advertise the work I’m doing.
– Thomas Reynolds, Principal, Green Stories
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